Apr 062012

Rats hunt in packs; and so too do bad guys. Expect multiple intruders/attackers.

When someone talks to you about intruders in your house, what does your mind immediately picture?  How many intruders do you automatically think of being in your house?

Some people will say one, others two.  A few might say three, but how many would say four?

I ask this question having just read an article about a retired police officer who woke up after a mid-afternoon snooze to find four intruders in his house.  One of the bad guys immediately came at him with a crow bar.

Fortunately, the retired police officer had a gun with him, and he shot and wounded the attacker (who died subsequently in hospital) with the other three ran off.

The article doesn’t say, but being as how the retiree was having a mid afternoon nap, my guess is that he may have not actually been tucked up in his bed.  Maybe he was sleeping in his favorite reclining chair in the lounge.  But – wherever he was – he had his gun with him, which was clearly essential when he woke and almost immediately was under attack.  So, confirming our immediately previous article about being prepared at home, make sure you have a gun wherever you are in your home, not just in the bedroom for nighttime protection.

The second moral of this story – be prepared for more than one intruder.  You need to expect any break-in or indeed any encounter of any nature at all with bad people involves more than one bad person.  Think of this phrase ‘Rats hunt in packs’.

You know that if you see one rat somewhere in your house, that means you’ve probably got an entire family of who only knows how many rats living somewhere in your property.

It is the same with bad guys.  They like to have a bit of mutual support, backup, encouragement, companionship, and safety while they are ‘working’ too.

So whenever you realize there is someone in your house, don’t stop upon hearing the first sound.  Keep listening and looking, and see if you can hear or see other bad guys too.

Now for the key point :  If you find yourself in a situation where you are forced to confront one bad guy, don’t focus only on that one person.  Where are his (or her) accomplices?  Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there; it just means you haven’t seen them yet.

Try and protect your rear by getting a wall close behind you, so you can’t have someone creep up behind you.  Listen intently, and – as best you can – keep looking around you as well as straight ahead.  And if you come across the first bad guy, you need to get them out of the fight quickly while maintaining a defensive posture in case the first guy’s buddies come to help him out.

Note that ‘getting them out of the fight’ doesn’t mean shooting them.  It means proning them out – ie getting them to lie down, lying facing away from you, hands with fingers interleaved on the back of their head, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles (or, if space allows, spreadeagled wide, arms and legs all stretched way out from the body).  That way they can’t suddenly leap up and at you again without at least some advance warning.

Once you’ve done that to the first person, you can’t leave them alone, of course.  You then maneuver yourself into a safe defensive position where other people can’t creep up on you and where you can still see the bad guy on the floor, and concentrate on waiting for the police to arrive.

Lastly, how do you feel now about having a five or six shot revolver for home protection?  Maybe you don’t get attacked by four intruders, like this retiree was.  But even if you have ‘only’ two or three, and if we allow that perhaps half your shots will miss, and if we further say you’ll need to hit each person three or four times to stop them, that means you’ll need perhaps 24 rounds to be sure of stopping a three person attack.  That’s a full revolver cylinder of six rounds, plus three reloads – and you’re for sure not going to have time for any reloading at all in such a close quarters attack.

At least with a semi-auto you can have 10 – 20 rounds in the gun to start with, allowing you to send anywhere from three to six rounds to each of three attackers before needing to pause briefly for a fast under 1.5 second reload and then continue the fight.  You’ve got a good chance of winning with a semi-auto, but a bad chance of losing with a revolver.

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